Marriage counselling


New member
hi juppy you may try visiting a psychologist or any proficient individual who possess the expertise on this matter.

I salute you for your initiative on wanting to conduct a marriage counseling. I have read various articles that it is indeed important to undergo marriage counseling so that one can have a better understanding of what life will be after the wedding and of course to have a deeper understanding of your partners expectations.

I hope you can find the right counselor and oh by the way, you may try using search engines in the Internet :)


New member
anyone knows a good place to go to for advice?
No matter how many years you know each other; there will be issues and conflicts to resolve. A lasting relationship is more possible if both partners continue to grow and develop.
If face with difficulties in your relationship, try to resolve it asap and if the next 6 months you are unable to settle the issue, seek professional help.
Relationship is a marathon, not a sprint. To improve a relationship, at least one of the two of you must take responsibility for change own behaviour more positively. Once each begins to see that the other person is voluntarily changing, change will be easier for both of you. Be the first to change by making the first move. If you can work it out, you are more likely to make productive and lasting changes in your relationship. When you try to be open, promote closeness, communicate better, resolve conflict more productively, avoid blaming your partner and exhibit renewal commitment, your partner can sense those efforts and may respond in return.
Sometime it’s difficult to do it on your own, then, you need someone who can help. There many FSCs offer counselling services, I think you have to pay between $10-$40 per session – depending on your gross income. Also, churches offer free counselling services but usually you must be their member or you can Google. I know a friend seeking free counselling services but you have to search for it in the internet.


New member
the Family Service Centres at your neighbourhood should have marriage counsellors over there... if not, check the counselling centres in Singapore


New member
i can share some experience because we had a session after the marriage prep course.
During the counselling, the counsellor would get to know us as a couple, explore our common values, talk abt issues that the couple is concerned abt. but it depends on how many sessions the couple wants to have. for us, we only met one time so it was quite short. but if the couple have long standing issues/conflict/argument to settle... it is good to have more, maybe 5 or more sessions?