Pros and cons of built in furnishing


New member
It will generally be more expensive as it is custom-made. Good if you have an idea what you want.


New member
are you referring to BTO furnishing? agree with zyroo that built in furnishing is not as good quality as custom. but custom can cost between 30-50k for simple renovation.


New member
the problem with showflats is that you cannot see the quality of BTO furnishing. i saw my friend's BTO the furnishing quality not very good.


New member
Built in is nice but if you regret afterwards it's will be difficult to change it. I think can do built-in for the main area and not overdo it


New member
My sister told me her built-in furnishing always needed repair from time to time... So I advised her to buy furniture of her own


New member
If you want something for long term, I think it's best to go with built in furnishing. But if you plan on moving at some point - you may have to leave it behind or something.