Financial Problems


New member
Both my fiance and I are planning for our wedding to be held in end of year this year. Before planning for the wedding stuff, we did discuss that we should spent within our means and both of us will help one abother on the expences. My fiance had told me he had set aside around $50 k for the wedding stuff erc.

However now that we are towards the final lapse of planning, he always show his temper and commented why I can't cheap in certain expenses which I did and plan out the spreadsheet where I had helped to fork out at least half with my parents helping us.

On the other hand, I told him we could just have a buffet dinner to save cost etc however he mentioned that he did not want to disappoint his family, knowing his dad has ego etc and want face family. So i let him be as he himself have huge male ego and mentioned if we bride side help him fork out he can't lift out his head


New member
However, the real story is after he bought s hdb through the single scheme before knowing me, he had spent quite a substantail amount on COV, house reno and fengshui matters.

I wonder does his family know he is forking out everything etc, as Guo Da Li items and pin Jin, he is paying all alone. My parents are angry and did not want anything from them since he no means to pay etc but yet hiding from his family in order not to disappoint them.

I am vexed etc and parents see there is a need to let his parents know this matter if not we will always quarrel over this matter over and over again. Pls help!


New member
well, if that's the case, i guess you and your htb should talk things out first and settle the matter. it would be good if only the two of you will the ones who will be talking and no parents are involved as it could make matter worse.


New member
Sometimes, because of too much stress, people can become quick tempered so it's better to remain calm and think things logically


New member
planning your wedding can be highly stressful and frustrating... clear your head first before talking to avoid temper flares


New member
Communication is the key to resolve most problems. Try to sit it out with your partner and communicate openly about the subject.