Foreigner - Foreigner Marriage in Singapore


New member

I am planning to marry my girlfriend in June. Our plan is to complete formal procedures in Singapore then we will do the wedding celebration in her country, in Vietnam. Because of I am from Turkey, formal procedure in Vietnam is difficult; in my country, it is difficult as well so it seems it is better to complete the formal procedure here in Singapore, then celebrate in her country then she will move to Singapore near me after her dependent pass is issued.

As far as I read on ROM web site, we have to find a solemnizer first before filing notice of marriage form. We are not planning to do any special thing on solemnization date, just formal procedure in ROM building. Do you have any suggestion for solemnizer?

Are we late to find a solemnizer? Because we are planning to do the formal process in June. Will solemnizer want to see both of us, me and my wife to be before signing the solemnizer consent form?


New member
solemnizer you can see the website for Justice of Peace. i dont think it's too late, just a matter of finding your wedding services who are available then.