After 15 months of being together


New member
My boyfriend finally admitted that he doesn't believe in marriage. Now, I don't know what the hell to do next because we are already engaged and we've been planning for six months already. I don't want to force him into something that he doesn't believe in but I also don't want our preparations to go to waste. What should I do?


New member
He proposed and yet he doesn't believe in marriage? That's crazy! I feel sorry for you and maybe you don't deserve that. I wanted to advise you to go for a marriage counseling but I am not sure if it will work since he doesn't believe on that. Anyway, it's all up to you of course. If you really love him even he cannot marry you, maybe there are still a lot of ways that you can do to make your relationship work out.


New member
Your best option is to talk to him sincerely. Let him know you don't want both your efforts to go to waste, make him understand your side of the story. If he still doesn't want to push through with the marriage maybe you guys can both reach a compromise at least. :)

Good luck!


New member
Well if you clearly see that you want to marry him in the future, you should raise the matter to him. It might make him think twice about what or where he believes in when it comes to marriage.