2012 Brides to Be


New member
haha. i never tried all these coupons deals before...
anyway i just found photographer and videographer for our big day...


New member
damn, i bought style weddings already also.

lesson learnt: time to stop buying wedding magazines. I've got too many already!!!!


New member
rainne: Thats true.. But i realised they are not providing hard copy album.. Maybe you can try to google Alan Dai.. He is good and famous, most probably engaging him, still waiting for VG's confirmation.. Hehe..

meilingg: Great!! Who will that be?

cherie: Yes i have got alot at home too, worst it, all are so thick and heavy!! Taking up space!


New member
oh yea only softcopy.. i didnt spot that earlier. Melingg congrats :D one less headache taken away haha. Is it a combo package of both photog and video?

Cherie, ya me too! I stopped buying styleweddings le cos all ads de never have much info about how to prepare for wedding, here more info hahaha. But blissful brides magazine got alot of good reads!


New member
hi all, i want to rant something here. I signed up with a hotel few months ago they kept saying it's the BEST package they will have and they reviewed(lowered) their price etc. But nw their package is even cheaper and also added in lots of perks. Does all hotel do that?


New member
Hmmm thts weird cause I thought the table price will be standard throughout. And only on perks side they will add on like free flow of wine/beer/extra night stay etc...
Which hotel is that??


New member
It's Orchard hotel..i thought they are pretty standard with price too but no, they aren't. Usually what i know is hotel either increase or add in extra perks only. But they simply DECREASE the price and throw in extra perks. Feel so unfair :(


New member
Thats weird.. I have never come across hotels lowering their banquet price and usually prices are fixed unless there are some relations or something.. Otherwise, it will be increasing every year.. Or did they lower the price + throwing in additional perks due to some credit card promotions or wedding show?

sugar01, i think you should try talking to your co-ordinator to see what he/she can do..


New member
Ohhh, i tink tat's not the updated one... 2weeks ago I went there to recee theballroom, they told me the price is still $1099... ;)


New member
huh? But i saw from their website that ppl who signed up before 30 Sep 11 on pay $1029 only( including additional 1 hr beer and helpers room)


Wedding Photographer and Videographer
2012 Promotions!

Hi 2012 Brides,

I am Melvin Cho From Renatus Photography + Videography, we are currently having some attractive promotions this month(up to $800 discount) and we are having a "I Dare You!" Contest (2x Give-aways) starting this Friday!

For more details please visits
our site: renatus.com.sg
our facebook : facebook.com/renatus.com.sg



New member
Letting Go Of Wedding Banquet

Hi there, Is there any couples here interested in taking over my wedding banquet at Park Royal Hotel (Kitchener Road) on 30 December 2012 (Sun)? If you are interested can kindly drop me a short message and I will get back to you with the details I had with me.


New member
Hi there, Is there any couples here interested in taking over my wedding banquet at Park Royal Hotel (Kitchener Road) on 30 December 2012 (Sun)? If you are interested can kindly drop me a short message and I will get back to you with the details I had with me.

Hi snowpear,
Could I find out more about ur package? U can PM me at erlin77@gmail.com
Thank you!!!


New member
Hi sugar01,

don't be too angry with OH. I booked with them as well a few months back and the pricing they gave me was also 1099. When I saw the Sep 30 promotions (ie 1 more hour of free flow beer and helper's room) I was like omg... Cuz previously I have tried very hard to nego for these perks and were rejected flatly as well...

But usually such promotions are given to sell of dates that maybe some people won't be comfortable to take up. Like before Sep 15, the entire lunar 7th month. I would think from Sep 16 onwards all the weekends are all taken up so they don't even extend the extra perks to these dates.

Yep, can totallY understand how you feel about the decrease in price. Maybe you can think of it this way, you could have gotten it at a lowered pricing if you hold your wedding before 15 Sep but maybe you won't be able to secure the dates you wanted...I believe you felt totally relieved when you sign on the dotted line cuz one big item has been confirmed and you don't have to lose sleep over not securing the venue on your preferred date?

For those who managed to get the bigger discounts at a much later date, I would think they are really lucky if their preferred date is still available. But it is really a emotional gamble here wor, wait longer for the price to drop and you risk not getting the date you want, or risk having to settle other dates the later you book...

Don't be upset with them yah! Even as we are going to pay 1099, I believe it is a huge relief knowing that we are going to get married on the date we wanted :) Let's look forward to the wedding!

Ps: for those who are worried that you will be facing the same encounter, probably when you confirming the contract, nego for as much other perks as possible by saying that you don't want to foresee a price drop in future and you lose out. Chance are they will give it to you if they can, but if they don't (like my case), it would be highly likely that the date you wanted is a HOT date and if you don't book the date, it can be easily booked by the others. So you gotta decide if it is worth foregoing the extra perks in exchange of your preferred date.

Jiayou everyone :)