Ceiling Fan with Lights


New member

Anyone here had installed a ceiling fan with light or thinking of installing it in your house?

Doing some research here and there, I am thinking of having 1 in my living room for my future home year 2014-15.

My concerns are:

1. Safety - Stretching when standing below it :eek:hmy:
2. Easily malfunction? What if the fan spoil but not the light, what will you do? Dismantled the whole fan? :eek:hmy:
3. Noisy?
4. Lights flicking? (the cause of the blades?)

What do you think?
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New member
I think it should be fine unless you have very tall family members. It is fine for the living room as long as it's not in your bedroom. I remember when I was younger and stayed over at a friend's place which had a ceiling fan in the bedroom it was kinda scary as kneeling on the double decker bed almost got my hand sliced haha. It might only become noisy maybe after many years.


If the fan spoil it will be harder to replace it as compared to a normal fan. It would be more costly as well to fix it as you need to get a repair man to come by your place to fix it. Lights would not flicker as long as the lights are below the fan blades. Also a ceiling wall is harder to clean as well. Overall a ceiling fan may look nicer but there are cons to it I feel.


New member
That is the problem. If the fan spoil, we do not need to dismantle them down from the ceiling.
Of course, normal fan will be much easy when it malfunction.

However, to me the ceiling fan seems to circulate the air in the room more than those normal fan though the temperature of the air may be the same since it is use the air around it to create the "breeze" and also easy to clean. But in the other hand, thinking of what if it malfunction?


New member
i personally agree.. also think that having a ceiling fan is gd, but maybe separate fr light wld be better..


New member
Fan lights are available in wide variety styles and designs so that you can give a new look to your home. You can go with the best design or style which is best suited to your home.


New member

I like this design.