Hi silverautumn, thanks for the links! Where in chinatown did you see them selling, do you remember? i've been around chinatown for quite a few times to gegt my wedding stuff, but i've not noticed any petals being sold. what kind of shops is it?
I've seen some on gmarket too, but the delivery dates are quite worrying (range from 15->30 working days). The uncertainty of the delivery time is not good. Same goes for alot of people selling the petals on ebay, usually from hongkong and china. flipside of that, is that these places sell the petals very cheap, from 0.01 cents per petal (or 10SGD for 1000 petals). That's much much cheaper than anything i can find in singapore thus far! The "ioffer" link seems to have people extremely pleased with the speedy delivery tho. i might consider that.
another option i found is
http://www.efavormart.com/500rosepetal-purple.aspx. seems really nice, but same thing - requires delivery time. if your wedding date is near, then a local shop would be good.