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Sheraton Towers and Carlton fall under which category?
What is the average wedding ang pao rates now? S$100?
Sheraton Towers and Carlton fall under which category?
Looks like around the $130-$140 category judging by the prices per table.![]()
would you really give that amount and would guest give that price range or lower?
that amount can be quite hard to families to come out with, eg if a family has 2 kids, they need to come out with $140 x 4 for their whole family! Since i know the prices taken from the pricelists here i will try to give what i can to help the bride and groom cover. But for most people they still think that it's around $100 per person. =/
that amount can be quite hard to families to come out with, eg if a family has 2 kids, they need to come out with $140 x 4 for their whole family! Since i know the prices taken from the pricelists here i will try to give what i can to help the bride and groom cover. But for most people they still think that it's around $100 per person. =/
I agree with Ginnybeanie... Most of the people will still have a mindset of around $100 per pax.... This ang bao info really helps alot! ^^